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The Board of Managers held a Special Meeting Tuesday June 30, 2009 in the Mary Hawley Room at Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470.  Vice Chair, Sandy Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.

PRESENT: Sandy Motyka, Jay Gill
ABSENT: Marie Smith, Mary Fellows, Jim Juliano
ALSO PRESENT: Building Adminstrator-Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent-Clark Kathan, First Selectman-Joseph Borst.  One member of the press.

Public Participation: None noted.

Meeting with First Selectman

Ms. Motyka stated that the Board requested a meeting with Mr. Borst to set the stage for when offices move out of the Town Hall.  
Mr. Borst stated that the move is currently set for the end of September 2009 into early October.  Maria DeMarco is the contact moving coordinator.
According to Mr. Borst there is no inventory that he is aware of, itemizing what pieces of furniture will be taken and what will be left.  Mr. Borst stated that the Town Clerk’s front counter will be moved as it is not original to the building.
Mr. Kathan added that moving the counter shouldn’t affect the floors as the carpet will be replaced anyway.
Mr. Borst continued in saying that a representative from the Board of Managers should sit down with the DeMarco Group to decipher the specifics on what will be staying and going.  For the most part the first floor has the historically valued items.

Mr Gill stated that when the Town Offices move out of the building, Edmond Town Hall will still be a Town building.  Regards to the phone system, the Town should still include the Town Hall in the telephone system plans as well as the fire alarm and security alarms.
Mr. Borst stated that Scott Sharlow from the IT department and Maureen Will for Communications should be contacted.

Ms. Motyka added that the Board of Managers wants to make sure that they will still be part of the Selectmans budget.

Mr. Mahoney added that the Parking lot maintenance should also be remembered and went on to state that based on conversations with Ann Piccini from the Social Services Department, it doesn’t seem as though they’ll be looking for space in the Town Hall.

Mr. Borst speculated that the area currently being used as the Finance Department would be a perfect location for Social Services as it is a large private area on one level with handicap access right outside the door.

Ms. Motyka added that that vault space is valuable and must be looked at carefully.


Mr. Borst stated that a positive aspect to the Town Hall is all the recent renovations and those scheduled.

Ms. Motyka stated that the Board now has a few items that will require action be taken by July 15, 2009 as follows;
Town Hall representative to sit meet with Maria DeMarco to inventory items and Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Gill and Mr. Kathan to meet with Maureen Will of Communications and Scott Sharlow of IT.

Ms. Motyka stated that this evenings meeting does not have a quorum present so no action can be taken.

Building Administrators Report:
Mr. Mahoney updated the Board regarding the following;
The loan for the kitchen renovations have been paid off in the amount of $35,000, the appropriation in the amount of $190,000 is to be disbursed, all items are up to date for fiscal year and the Air Conditioning unit has been paid off as well.
Additionally, Sabrina’s Encore Productions is scheduled for late July into August for The
Producers.  The movie Monsters vs. Aliens was a good start to the Summer bringing in $11,000 and finally the Danbury News Times ran a piece titled “Nicer in Newtown”.

Mr. Gill stated the website needs to be reviewed.

Ms. Motyka stated that she knows someone who does websites that she could get in contact with.

Building Superintendent’s Report
Mr. Kathan stated that the next project that should be started before winter is the replacement of the boiler, which he estimated at costing approximately $3000.

Ms. Motyka stated that the specifications for the job should be on paper so that any and all companies have the same outline for what is being quoted for the job.

Mr. Kathan went on to update the Board regarding the following;
The Alexandria Room renovations have not started yet, the Electrician and Mathison Floors is to get back to him on when they’ll be able to start.

Ms. Motyka stated that it may be a good idea to have some kind of a “kick-off” party to introduce the new room once renovation is complete to show off what’s been done.

Mr. Gill stated that it may be possible to seal off the current boiler and to find a new location for a newer more efficient model as the cost for abatement will be high.


Mr. Kathan stated that he has gotten estimates on abating and removing the existing boiler.  It is possible however, costly.

Mr. Kathan also questioned the Board on the possibility of hiring an additional employee, currently it is difficult getting enough help in the building between people on vacations, being out sick and possible retirements.
Mr. Kathan stated that it is difficult to find someone who is willing to give up their weekends.

Ms. Motyka stated that Mr. Kathan should start advertising for the position but also to verify what employees he really has available.  It may be a good idea to bulk up the employee roster list so that there are more part-time employees to manage in the case that more than one person in out sick and/ or on vacation.

Having no further business, the Board of Managers adjourned their Special Meeting at 8:30 p.m.

Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk